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Rachel Marynowski, ND

Rachel Marynowski, NDRachel Marynowski earned a bachelor’s degree in public health and worked in the corporate health arena for two years prior to enrolling at National University College of Professional Studies.

“I had a very positive experience and have fond memories of my time at NUHS,” says Dr. Marynowski, member of the second graduating class from National’s naturopathic medicine program in April of 2010.

“The best part of my education at National was my study in the clinical sciences and experiences like working in the Salvation Army clinic ” she says. “Also, I never thought I would like biochemistry, but now that I’m in the profession, I see how important it is and I love it.”

Dr. Marynowski is now working part time in an integrative medical practice in Atlanta along with another ND and an MD. Her practice focuses on women and children’s health, environmental medicine, clinical nutrition and homeopathy.

She is also a clinical consultant for Metametrix Clinical Laboratory specializing in functional medicine. She recently spoke at an annual probiotics symposium in front of two hundred doctors on the topic of gastrointestinal health and microbiota.

Her goals for future include eventually opening her own practice. She also has a pet project writing and publishing a children’s book on hand washing in both English and Spanish titled  Mr. Sudsy Wudsy, Soapy Boapy’s Dirty Adventures: A Lesson in Hand Washing . Barnes and Noble recently agreed to carry the book and will be selling it online. “I would like to continue this project and eventually develop a series of children’s books on various health topics,” says Dr. Marynowski.

Rachel Marynowski, ND, working with patient

What is Dr. Marynowski’s advice to students in choosing a health career? “First and foremost, you have to do what really drives you or you feel passionate about. If you end up in a medical field you’re not on board with, you can get stuck and feel unhappy–of which, I am not!”

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