Web Resources

Web Resources

Listed below are links to websites with general health information.

National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine A branch of the National Institutes of Health, this site offers easy to understand summaries of popular alternative medical specialities such as acupuncture, summaries of new research in natural medicine, as well as health and wellness information.

American Chiropractic Association This section of the ACA website offers health and wellness tips and general information about chiropractic medicine.

USDA Nutrition Database With this handy online tool, you can find out the nutritional profile of any food, including calorie count, fats, carbohydrates, protein, vitamins and minerals, to help you make better choices, or stay on target with your nutrition goals.

American Association of Naturopathic Physicians AANP provides several resources about naturopathic medicine and its wide applications to health and wellness.

Association of Accredited Naturopathic Colleges Discover the history of naturopathic medicine, types of treatments, and the naturopathic profession.